Monday, July 10, 2017

How to Beat the Summer Slowdown in Direct Sales

Hello friends!   I hope you are all having a great week!  The weather has been beautiful here and we are enjoying every bit of this beautiful Summer!  

With July month end approaching, I am already starting to hear from my team members that they are already feeling the affects of the Summer Slow down.  Summer Slow down?  What Summer slow down?  I am here to help you get past that dreaded Summer Slow down so you can rock your Direct Sales business this Summer!!!

I put together a list of ideas to help you in thinking outside of the box and start booking those Summer parties and find new Customers!
  • Summer Themed Parties:  Summer is such a fun time to host a party!!  Stick with cute Summer themes that everyone loves such as: An Icecream Social, Wine and Cheese Tasting Party, Pool or Patio Party or Backyard BBQ Party.
  • Have a Facebook/Virtual Party - Connect with your friends all over the country.  Set a date and time for everyone to log in to Facebook.  Offer a door prize to those who attend, an additional incentive to those who ask questions about your business and then let them shop away!  As the hostess, you can either earn the hostess rewards for yourself to earn inventory, or raffle off the rewards as an extra incentive to those who attend and place an order. 
  • Party On the Go - Fill up a pouch or bag with a few catalogs, orders forms, hostess exclusive flier, recruiting flier and a few product samples.  Give it to a friend or willing hostesses to take to work, a friend's house, family get together or a girl's night out.  She collects the orders and earns FREE or discounted products.
  • Mystery Hostess Party - Guests earn tickets various ways in order to win the hostess rewards.  This can be done on-line or in a home.  Guests can earn tickets by brining a friend, bringing an outside order, booking a party, or signing up as a Consultant.  Get creative!!!  Once all the orders are in, draw a ticket to see who wins the hostess benefits.    
  • Heels and Deals Booking Blitz - Pull together your list of FRANKS (Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Kids (Mom's of Your Kids's friends), Spouse (Wife's of your Husand's friends).  Put on your sassiest pair of heels, your hottest lip stick and set the timer on your phone for one hour.  Call as many people as you can in that hour asking them to host a party or just to say thank you for supporting your business.  Build that relationship with your customer, a phone call really does go a long way.  Having those sassy heals and lipstick on really does go along way, when you feel sassy and confident, it will shine through to the other end of the line.  Try it and see what happens!!!  
  • Booking Blitz Buddies - You know how they say you are more likely to succeed with your diet if you have a buddy?  The same goes for Booking Blitz's!  Try the Heels and Deals booking blitz with a fellow Consultant.  Knowing that you have the support of a fellow team mate will make the Booking Blitz go a lot quicker and will be a little less scary if you know you have a buddy cheering you on.  Once your power hour is up, call each other to share your success stories!
  • Open House/Launch Party/New Product Premier - You do not have to have your launch party ONLY when you first become a Consultant.  You can have an Open House/Launch Party/New Product Premier style party ANYTIME to celebrate a new catalog, a new special, or just an excuse to get your family and friends together. 
  • Kid's Sporting Event - I am actually using this idea from a fellow team member.  She set up a small table display at her child's Soccer game and the Soccer Mom's went wild!!  Make sure to pass out catalogs to all the Mom's for both the home and away teams.  What Soccer Mom doesn't love to shop?  Don't forget to purchase in advance a lot of product samples to pass out!
  • Mommy and Me Tea Party/Brunch - Have Mom's and Daughters of all ages gather at your home or even a Tea room/Coffee shop for a morning of fun and pampering.   Serve finger sandwiches, cookies and tea/punch.  You can even team up with anther direct sales company that offers pampering products and have her invite her guests.  You can both share in the leads and the pampering!
  • Neighborhood Ambush - Distribute fliers with your information and a coupon for 'One FREE Product' for scheduling a party with you.  You can choose your neighborhood or every neighborhood in the city!  I love to do this during my Kid's naptime.  I load up the kids in the car with a few hundred fliers and pass them out to all the neighborhoods in my city as the kids sleep soundly in their car seats.  It's a great way to have a very productive nap time!
  • Shopapalooza - Team up with friends who sell for other Direct Sales Companies and host a one stop shop!!   Each consultant will invite their friends, family, contacts and previous customers.  In return, you all gain new customers from the huge pool of attendees.  It's a great way to network with other Direct Sales consultants and gain new customers at the same time!
  • Have Your Friends Help! - Give your friends some products at a discount in return for becoming a product ambassador.   Have them share their testimony with everyone they come in contact with while arming them with catalogs, samples and business cards.  It's a great way for your friends to earn discounted products and come into contact with those outside of your network.
  • Booking Games - There are so many different booking games out there to play during your home parties.  My personal favorite booking game is Deal or No Deal, and it has worked many times!!  My team can provide real life testimonials on how well it has worked for them too!

    Great Places to Leave Catalogs for Customers

  • Hair Salons/Boutiques/Personal Gyms - Ask to set up a small display with catalogs and fliers, if a display will not work, ask to leave your catalogs in a common area of the facility.
  • Doctors Offices/Hospital Waiting Rooms- I have personally left several catalogs my kid's Pediatrician's office and Hospital Waiting rooms.  Be sure to introduce yourself to the receptionist and let her know of your new business.  See if she will mind if you leave a few catalogs behind.
  • Break Room at Place of Employment -  Leave a catalog in the break room/lunchroom at your place of employment.  Are you a Stay At Home Mom?  Then ask your spouse to bring catalogs to work and pass them around and leave them in his break room or lunch.
  • Leave a Catalog with your Waitress - If you received amazing service while you were out to dinner or think your waitress would make an amazing Consultant on your team, leave her a catalog or your Business Card.  Leave a personalized note just for her on how she would make an amazing addition to your team or party hostess.  She will give you a call just to hear more!  .
Do you have any tried and true ways that helped you beat the Summer Slow Down?  I would love to hear!  Please leave me a comment and share your success stories!

For even more tips for your Mompreneur business, follow me on Instagram,Twitter,Facebook

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