Sunday, November 27, 2016

How to Plan a Direct Sales Launch Party

Hello Mamas!  I hope you are all doing well and enjoying this beautiful Fall!  Before you know it the snow will be falling and everyone will be feeling the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.   Time has been flying by here too with so many new consultant joining our amazing team. With all the new consultants there has been lots of talk on how to plan a successful Launch party.  What exactly is a Launch party?  A Launch Party is Key to let everyone know about your new direct sales Business.  A Launch party is about introducing to absolutely everyone you know about your new business.  Selling makeup is amazing but it will not prepare your business for the future. You want to focus on booking parties, building relationships and getting the word out there that you are the go to consultant for your company!
When you are planning your launch party, you want to keep it simple and remember the three P's: Preparing, Planning and Presentation.

Try to set it up your launch party within the first 7-10 days of getting your starter kit.  This is when your friends and family are exploding with excitement and can't wait to see your new business in action.  They have been hearing about your new adventure for a few weeks now and can't wait to learn more.  Keep the excitement going, invite them to see what the fuss is all about!!
Ask your Mentor if she can attend for moral support and guidance. If not,  ask her to be available by phone for questions in case you have any issues.  I always try to be available for my team members when I know they are having their launch party, I am at their beckon call for any unforeseen questions or issues that may arise.
Invite absolutely everyone you know, and I mean everyone!!  A great guide to planning your invite list is the FRANKS system.  Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Kids (connections to your kids such as teachers, coaches, parents of friends, etc.).  Did you know only 25% of your invites will actually show up so make sure you over invite!!!
Use several methods of communication to invite your guests.  In today's day and age, one person's way of communicating may be the same for another.  One friend may be a huge Facebook user, while the other prefers receiving an email or even a post card invitation.  If you send out only a Facebook Invite, you may not grab the attention of your friend who only checks her Facebook account once a month.  I always suggest to my team members to pick at least 2-3 methods of communication to grab the attention of the majority of your guests. 
Encourage your guests to bring a friend and offer them a small gift for doing so!  The more guests that show up at your launch party, the merrier.
When planning your Launch party, you want to stay away from the dreaded term "Open House."  You want your party to be light, casual and pressure-free.  Since we are focusing on bookings and building relationships, keep it fun!  Your guests will relax and have fun too and will be excited about possibly planning a party of their own.
One popular Launch Party style is to follow the 3/2/2 method.  Provide your guests 3 opportunities to stop by your home over a 2 day time span for 2 hours at a time.  This way you give your guests more opportunities to fit your Launch party into their busy schedule.  For example, plan a Muffins and Mimosas for your first 2 hour session on Friday morning from 9am - 11am.  This is a great way to catch the Mom's who just sent their kids off on the bus or dropped them off at preschool.  Your second session can be from 4pm - 6pm for the after work crowd heading home on a Friday afternoon. On Saturday morning, offer a light brunch from 10am - 12pm to catch everyone else who was unable to make it on Friday.  These examples may not work for your busy schedule so it's important to plan your 2 hour sessions around what you think is most convenient for you and your guests.  Don't go over board with food... keep it simple!  Everyone will be more focused on your beautiful makeup and not on the food!
Follow-up 2-3 days before your party with phone calls, text messages, and emails as a reminder and a way to keep the lines of communication open with your guests.  Even post a Facebook update to remind your friends of your exciting event they certainly do not want to miss!

Now it's time to set up that beautiful, new  starter kit you received!  One question I always receive from my new Beauty Guide's is whether or not the new kit has enough to show off at your first couple of parties.  Absolutely!!  Your company provides you with a starter kit so that you will have enough supplies to have a show of your own. You don’t have to keep an inventory for your open house. It is okay to use your products as advertisements and take orders; just allow enough time to for delivery of the orders for those who purchase for the purpose of gift giving.

Make sure you have your planner out for your guests to see.  This shows them that you take your schedule seriously and that you want to set a date that is convenient for both of you.  Before your party, review your calendar for the next 2 months.  Choose the dates that work best for you and your family.  Let your guests choose which day they want to hold their parties from your available dates.  When you book a party, make sure you add it to your planner right away in a brightly colored pen so your guests can see your calendar filling up and that you are in demand.  I recommend giving a gift for booking a party – one example would be to have them choose their favorite charm and you will give to them the night of their party.
Set up a little check out area with your Recruiting Packets, Hostess Packets and Business Cards.  You also want to have your calculator, smart phone, a pen and your planner with you as well during the check out process.  I use an App on my iPhone called My Consultant that makes check out a snap!

Don't forget to take a deep breath, relax and have fun!  Have a great time showing off your new business to your friends and family.  Your smile and excitement will be contagious, your guests will want to be a part of it too whether it's joining your team or hosting a party.  Good luck!!!

For even more tips for your Mompreneur business, follow me on Instagram,Twitter,Facebook

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