Sunday, November 27, 2016

How to Host a Successful Direct Sales Facebook Party


A common question I receive from new Consultants lately is 'What is a Facebook Party?' and 'How can I do this with my friends?'  It certainly sounds like fun, right? You simply can not go wrong combining everyone's love of Facebook and a party. The two things just naturally seem to go together.  Facebook parties are a great way to earn more sales for the month to your business. These are perfect if you are having a slow month or need to get more exposure to your direct sales business. Often friends have a night where they are not doing anything but can’t necessarily make it to a home party.  I know personally that it's not always easy to find a sitter and will just enjoy a relaxing weekend night at home in my jammies.  At some point during the night, I will hop on Facebook.  Why not offer a Facebook party where your friends can still buy their favorite products and possibly win the Hostess rewards?  All from the comfort of their own home.
There are a few ways to host a Facebook party. You can keep it open where friends order over a brief period of time such as a week or you can do an online event night where the event will take place for one night for only a few hours. All friends will hang out on Facebook and spend time online in the event. You can also have a friend or family member host a Facebook party on your behalf for all of her friends and family.  If you have a friend who is hosting a Facebook party for you, be sure to send her catalogs, order forms and some sample products so she can collect orders from friends and family win person who may not be able to attend the event or who do not have a Facebook account.

The next question you want to address is who earns the Hostess Rewards at a Facebook party?  You can create Facebook parties and make yourself the hostess or you can set the party up as a mystery hostess and reward your guests using an entry system.  Each guest can earn an entry by attending, bringing a friend, placing an order or hosting a party of their own.  Choose a winner at random at the end of the party by collecting all the entries and picking a name out of a 'virtual' hat.  I typically use  If your friend is hosting a Facebook party for you, she will earn the hostess rewards. 
When setting up your Facebook party, go to the Events icon on the left sidebar of your Facebook account.  Create a new event and invite all of your friends.  Be sure to attach several pictures of products within your event page that you have set up of to entice your guests right out of the gate.  Who can resist all the beautiful makeup?  In your description, write a brief summary about how your Facebook party is going to work and what they can expect by attending. 
As the Facebook party hostess, you can still go through your presentation as you would a home party. Share a little bit about yourself, how your company was founded and other fun and exciting tidbits about life as a direct sales Consultant.  Don't forget to play Booking Games!  You can post pictures of 5 colored envelopes by saying there are prizes located inside.  Encourage someone to book an on-line or home party by explaining that by booking a party with you, they can earn the gift located inside the envelope they choose. 
It's a party so you want to remain a charming hostess at all times and make your guests feel comfortable!  Offer virtual drinks and snacks to your guests throughout the party and always thank your guests for coming and placing an order.  Be sure to keep the party fun and exciting!  Offer incentives throughout the party and give a few shout outs to guests who place orders, bring a friend or simply for attending.  
At the end of your Facebook party be sure to thank all your guests for coming.  Share how much the Hostess earned in benefits, your guests will be amazed at how easy was and want to host a party of their own and earn hostess benefits too.  If it was a Mystery Hostess party, announce the winner of the hostess benefits and how much she earned.  Make sure to send a personal thank you via Facebook message or on their wall for attending.  This keeps the line of communication open and also continues to build your relationship with that customer.  After all, the relationships you build with your customers are most important.  It keeps them coming back and makes you their go-to Consultant.
I would love to hear how a Facebook party has helped to grow your direct sales business!  Any tips or success stories to share? Have I encouraged you to host a Facebook party of your own?  I would love to hear from you!  Have fun!

For even more tips for your Mompreneur business, follow me on Instagram,Twitter,Facebook


  1. What do you use as the hostess gift? Is there a set gift that's standard? And, does this gift "grow" by the amount of orders placed?

    1. I would think that the host gift is up to the consultant. The discount can grow with bigger orders. Example $100 order from guest get host 30% off her order
